Happy Friendship Day!

Priceless treasures
Nurturing support system

Connection with confidants
Cherished bonds

Happy Friendship Day!!
In 1935, the US Congress proclaimed
the first Sunday in August
each year as Friendship Day!
It is also International Friendship Day!!

Image Credit

© rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011

About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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14 Responses to Happy Friendship Day!

  1. becca givens says:

    Reblogged this on "On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea" and commented:

    Happy International Friendship Day!! 😀


  2. Pingback: on friendship, affirmations, and happy places | Phylor's Blog

  3. Beautiful and so true. friends are one of the biggest support systems in my life. I’m so sorry for being late… Still adapting to my new surroundings. But, it turns out to be a perfect day to arrive here. Happy Friendship Day! Thanks for sharing.


  4. kaykuala says:

    How true. Friends are all of those and many more. You have 9 cats and 3 dogs? My, that takes great efforts to manage.I had Clyde (Tom Cat) once before just him alone and it was already very testing. We had to send him to a Pet Hotel when we had to go outstation for a few days ( not to mention clearing the litter every couple of days) And you have 12 of them! Real dedication!

    BTW Thanks for dropping by!


  5. phylor says:

    I didn’t know about international and national friendship day until I read your post this morning (Monday). I slept through Sunday, so I’ll have to make this my unofficial friendship day. Thanks for pointing out a very special day!


  6. souldipper says:

    For sure, Becca – I just had one of these today! May you be blessed with as many as you need.


  7. Priceless treasures, indeed. So well put and so very true.
    Very nice, Becca. Thanks for being my cyber friend. ~~~ : – )
    Izzy xoxo


  8. Mariela says:

    Trust, the foundation of all friendships. One of the greatest gifts on earth!


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