Forgiveness Pact

All who have injured
Your honor, feelings, heart, soul, mind
Ask for same actions in your life
Forgiveness pact vital
For peace

Yes, and difficult
Yet only until this respite
Is granted
As a gift to one another now
True release from pain


This is written in Cameo form — a purely syllabic form consisting of seven lines with the following syllable count: 2, 5, 8, 3, 8, 7, 2 for a total of 35 syllables.  This particular form of poetry does not usually have a rhyming scheme and can cover any subject matter.


Image Credit

© by rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011


About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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17 Responses to Forgiveness Pact

  1. becca givens says:

    Thank you everyone for your visit, support and feedback. I wrote this more for myself than for anyone. Forgiveness is the HARDEST thing to do … but I am learning, no matter the number of years involved, I am the one hurting the most by not forgiving … many may have forgotten the wrongs, the words, the injustices or the “not thinking” … I cannot change them, but I can change me … it is the only thing I have control over!! Tough, YES … necessary, infinite YES!! May each of you have a blessed season of Love and Light! Thank you ~~


  2. Madeleine says:

    I love your poem. It speaks volumes. I have someone I need to forgive…


  3. Pat Cegan says:

    New poem form for me, Rebecca. This poem is wonderful, so important. Without forgiveness, we stay frozen in the same place spiritually. Thank you for this beautiful reminder. Hugs, pat


  4. kaykuala says:

    Great cameo Becca! I discovered cameo recently. Can be an alternative to haiku.Your verse runs deep.Forgiveness is noble. One who forgives easily prospers in life somehow.



  5. I never had heard of this “cameo” form. What a wonderful poem Becca. Awesome


  6. A message we need, but an act we find hard to do…Great piece


  7. souldipper says:

    Essential – for the freedom to live with love. And to complete all spiritually drafted agreements made before we zoomed into this life! 😀


  8. Suzy says:

    I love the way you write Forgive and Duplicate – give and receive. Nice one;


  9. Renee Espriu says:

    A difficult thing for people to do. Easier to say but harder to act upon. Thank You!


  10. phylor says:

    Not commenting on the poetry; glad to see the “ad” for World Vision! Last year we gave “soccer balls” on behalf our our grandnieces who play the game, and my mother, and now I have goats given by my aunt.
    I need to learn how to forgive and forget; for me one of the hardest things to do!


    • becca givens says:

      phylor — I believe it is indeed the HARDEST thing to do …

      I struggle, and have struggled with it most of my life … slowly it has dawned on me, and I have finally realized, many of those hurts are not hurting “them” – those hurts/injustices are hurting/inhibiting me … I am the one paying the heaviest price … so with very deliberate and careful consideration, I am slowly working on my list. I look forward to my reward of healing in my life when all is said and done with each matter. I certainly cannot speak for anyone else, but me.

      Thank you for your visit. Many blessings to you ~~


  11. zongrik says:

    it’s sad if the release from pain is only fleeting


  12. Jamie says:

    Clever use of all those syllables, with a meaningful message. Well done!


  13. So simple, yet so hard to achieve. Excellent write.


  14. Becca, so true! Also powerful and hard to do but vital to our mental health. Thank you for describing pain and it’s fragility. Excellent job!


  15. John Evans says:

    Hi Becca. Forgiveness, what a fragile word. Your poetry reflects the word nicely. I have been hurt so much in my life….thus, my poetry; poetry has saved me…that and the truth of where my pain hides. They go so nicely together. Truth and Poetry. Beautiful. You have a pleasant evening.

    ~John Evans~


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