Sunday Trees – 35

Santa Fe, NM

For previous episodes of  Sunday Trees


Other Sunday Trees:  SiggiofMaine


© by rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011 – 2012

About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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5 Responses to Sunday Trees – 35

  1. Bodhirose says:

    This one is simply awesome!


  2. I like the fudge pouring down into a pan comment by shoreacres. This is one unusual tree. I sorta like the textue. I would love to feel the shape of it. Very nice, Becca.


  3. That tree truck is magnificent.


  4. siggiofmaine says:

    Love it ! Lots of visuals in the shapes ☺
    Siggi in Downeast Maine


  5. shoreacres says:

    It looks like pouring fudge into a pan, when it starts to pile up and sets too soon! Great photo!


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