Bouquet of Tulips

Bouquet of tulips

Someone asked me about the symbolism of the colors in tulips:

  • Red tulip symbolizes love and romance.
  • Pink Tulips- a symbol of caring, attachment (not as strong as love, like the red ones) and good wishes.
  • White Tulips- representing purity, innocence, forgiveness and respect, to give with an apology.
  • Cream-colored tulips are closely related and have a meaning of commitment.
  • Purple Tulips- symbolizing royalty; also symbolizes rebirth
  • Yellow Tulips- their meaning has evolved over time from representing hopeless love, to a more positive meaning of brightness and sunshine.
  • Variegated Tulips – symbolize beautiful eyes because of their gorgeous color patterns.


© rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011 – 2013

Logo - Carpe Diem - January 2013


About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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7 Responses to Bouquet of Tulips

  1. Beautifully composed Becca and thank you for explaining the colors of the tulips. I didn’t know that the colors of tulips had a deeper meaning. I thought only roses had that deeper meaning. Thank you so much for sharing this little gem or shall I say ‘little diamond’.


  2. ladynimue says:

    beautiful post !!
    internal butterflies made me smile biiiig 🙂


  3. yerpirate says:

    Oh that#s very nice! That mirroring image again…wonderful!


  4. This is like a postcard from the coming spring bringing a lovely message along.


  5. dulcinaandgnome says:

    Thanks for the nice information about tulips, Becca: color yields message, yes, now I understand.
    The pics of tulips in the jar is as lovely and elegant as your haiku.


  6. kz says:

    a lovely photo and haiku.. and thank you for including some info on tulips ^^


  7. siggiofmaine says:

    Photo is gorgeous…brightens the wintery day…January thaw … near 30 degrees ☺
    Color yields to me, but sounds wonderful, like the roses doing the same.


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