This Dark Autumn Night – TRM

Tan Renga Challenge Month (TRM)
at Carpe Diem Haiku Kai.

Lothar (Rheumatologe) presents This Dark Autumn Night:

this dark autumn night
the bright stars of milky way
cries of geese above

[ … ] your stanza ??????


this dark autumn night
the bright stars of milky way
cries of geese above
ahead of the first snowfall
lone goose honks in velvet night


A Tan Renga is a short chained poem and is written by two poets. It looks very similar with the Tanka, the only difference is that Tan Renga is written by two poets and the Tanka by one poet. In this Tan Renga Challenge the goal is to write the second stanza (7-7) of the Tan Renga by associating on the image or the words painted in the haiku.

My previous entries for Tan Renga Challenge

© rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011 – 2013

LOGO - Carpe Diem Tan Renga Month Nov 2013
(by Lothar (Rheumatologe))

Tan Renga Month #13:
this dark autumn night
the bright stars of milky way
cries of geese above

[ … ] your stanza ??????

About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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12 Responses to This Dark Autumn Night – TRM

  1. Jessica Slavin says:

    oh, i loved this. I heard it, and it completed the mood in a very particular way. nice


  2. atrm61 says:

    Wow!Great way to complete the Tan Renga-vivid imagery:-)


  3. siggiofmaine says:

    Love this


  4. Sun says:

    brave goose, a strong leader in the making… like the imagery in your completion. thank you.


  5. Indeed.. a sense of urgency


  6. A nice completed Tan Renga … very strong in it’s scenery. Thanks.


  7. Gillena Cox says:

    geese take center stage, luv it

    much love…


  8. jrbsays says:

    Wonderful finish, so vivid in image and sound Becca!

    This Dark Autumn Night


  9. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    I can see that goose just a few flaps ahead of the first snowflakes!

    My Tan Renga Completion


  10. artmusedog says:

    Love the line …velvet night ~ something magical about that ~ lovely completion ~ lone goose may be warning of snow ….. carol, xxx


  11. the velvet night would muffle the sound too. eery


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