Biscuit Jiggle

Dancing hot biscuits
Slathered with melted butter
Hips join the jiggle



© rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011 – 2014

Heeding Haiku with HA
Prompt: Addiction

About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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14 Responses to Biscuit Jiggle

  1. Bastet says:

    Ah! … a fun haiku … I loved it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. heh heh. this made me smile and the, chuckle!


  3. Mama Cormier says:

    Wonderful way to start the day….with a giggle.


  4. shoreacres says:

    This is a 100% true story. I was standing in line behind a couple of women who clearly were Texan, by their accents. They were discussing something that had them in stitches, when one of them said, “Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit!”

    Now, that’s a downhome expression!


  5. Okay, that made me chuckle! 🙂


  6. I am from the South so I too have a love of biscuits, unfortunately in Sweden, where I live now, they don’t exist!


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