Autumn Morning Light – Carpe Diem – Ghost Write


Ghost Writer Week
for Carpe Diem Haiku Kai is:

Ghost Writer #33 – Jen of Blog It Or Lose It
Prompt choice is Autumn Inspiration of Richard Wright

As the popcorn man
Is closing up his wagon,
Snow begins to fall.


Autumn morning light
Dispels veil of summer dreams
One leaf at a time


Autumn chill heightens
Crunch of tarnished jeweled leaves
Lost kitten meows


© rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011 – 2014




Autumn Inspiration
Richard Wright

About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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6 Responses to Autumn Morning Light – Carpe Diem – Ghost Write

  1. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    The image of the lost kitten still clings to my heart as I turn away from your haiku…

    Inspired by Richard Wright


  2. J says:

    Oh, very nice! 🙂
    Wright seems to have had a lot of cats in his haiku — I think he would have approved of this one too — the poor thing! The tarnished jewels — very nice — and dispelling that veil is a great image.


  3. This sounds like early autumn to me.. And that poor kitten, many people still leave the cats after keeping them a summer…


  4. rbhexem says:

    Becca, you guys got it too soft down there. you should come up here and see what winter is all about.


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