Cee’s Odd Ball – 22

Odd Ball - 22a
This has been in my mom’s medicine cabinet for well over 45 yrs.
It has not been touched or moved in all this time!

Week 37

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© by rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011 – 2014

About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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8 Responses to Cee’s Odd Ball – 22

  1. The rust makes it look cool but I wouldn’t shave with it!!



  2. Cee Neuner says:

    This razor is truly an odd ball and a gem. Great photo. 🙂


  3. 45+ years. Is it sharp or rusted? Amazing!


  4. It must have meaning.


  5. That is so funny! When my husband sorted out his garage stuff he came across a first aid box that used to belong to his father ~ it had a bandage inside, unopened which had a date on it of 1927!!


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