Nurturing Thursday – Mission

None like you
To accomplish plan
Just for YOU

You are a Miracle 1

You were born for a specific purpose … a particular mission.  No one, but you, can accomplish this mission.  You are special.  You are a miracle.  “God don’t make junk”.  Look at yourself in the mirror, and recognize the wonder of YOU … the miracle of YOU … the specialness of YOU!

None like you
Can accomplish plan
Just for YOU


What is Nurturing Thursday, you ask?

In this amazingly competitive society of ours, how many of us truly feel good about ourselves? How often do we extend to ourselves … the same courtesies, considerations, nurturing, forgiveness and understanding we would a loved one, a friend, or even a stranger?

Our culture tells us we need to be special and above average to feel good about ourselves. Yet, it is not possible for all of us to be above average at the same time. Don’t we usually know of someone richer, more attractive, “more together” or successful than we are? Even if we discount the material aspects and consider the more spiritual facet, don’t we know of those who seem more at peace, more aware or living in the moment. Even when we do manage to feel a strong sense of self-esteem or self-confidence, we are not able to consistently hold on to it. For most, our sense of self-worth bounces around like a ping-pong ball, rising and falling strongly tied with our latest success or failure.

In an effort to eliminate labeling ourselves as “good” or “bad”, and clearly accept ourselves with an open heart … to treat ourselves with the same kindness, caring, and compassion we would show to a good friend … I would like to incorporate more self-compassion and self-kindess in my life.

To “give this planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy” … I am dubbing Thursdays as Nurturing Thursday … a spin-off of the suspended Occupy Blogosphere started by Amy of SoulDipper.

If any of my readers are interested in joining the nurturing, I applaud and welcome you to do so … the more the merrier!!

Other Contributors may be found:

Izzy of Inside the Mind of Isadora
Jacqueline of Wightrabbit’s Blog
Crowing Crone of
Crowing Crone Joss

For previous Occupy Blogosphere posts: Blogospheres

For previous Nurturing Thursday posts: Nurturing Thursday


© rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011 – 2013

About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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14 Responses to Nurturing Thursday – Mission

  1. elleceef says:

    Thank you for your kind reminder of who we all are,,,, 🙂


  2. wightrabbit says:

    Beautiful, simple message, Becca ~ one we would do well to bear in mind. I have just posted my contribution here:
    The link to this page was being redirected at first, but I’ve corrected that now. 🙂


  3. julespaige says:

    I did indeed go out of my comfort zone the other day and actually subjected myself to submit some verses to a contest. 🙂


  4. oh my goodness, Becca….you do ask us to stretch our perspectives… goodness me, I hadn’t thought of this idea…(but I do see others as miracles) What a kind and nurturing reminder you offered us today.


  5. Raven says:

    Becca this is quite wonderful, needed and timely. Doing this in our hearts together. Excellent.


  6. writersforacause says:

    It is a lovely idea and reminder, especially for those who are hard on ourselves (like me). But I don’t need anyone else to compare myself to in order to demand things of myself that I would not of others. Let’s turn this on it’s head. Maybe we demand more of ourselves because we compete with OURSELVES and not anyone else. Some of us just take on too many challenges. Maybe this makes us prideful or unrealistic, but no one in history ever achieved anything without stretching themselves a little more than what is comfortable.


    • becca givens says:

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this …
      Absolutely, I believe we need to stretch ourselves in order to grow; we need to step 3 feet out of our comfort zone … and then the next time, a bit more … always challenging ourselves to reach our potential … Otherwise, we become stagnant individuals, and live in a limiting space. Yet, in the process, I believe we should be self-nurturing, and practice self-kindness — encouraging ourselves as we would a loved one, or a dear friend. And if we falter, encourage ourselves to get back up and try again. Failure does not come from the fall — it comes from giving up. We want to fly … and although, for some, who only need to take big steps, for many it may be a series of encouraging baby steps. I believe, as long as we move forward and never ever quit, we are making progress.


      • writersforacause says:

        You are quite right, Becca, that even if we want to take on a challenge, we should be nice to ourselves. And yeah…I tend to try to take big steps when I should be taking smaller ones. I exhaust myself and tend to get hyper focused on projects and things like that. It’s an area I am working on, and part of it is going back to work on my art which is relaxing.


  7. Geraldine says:

    Wonderful advice Becca, thanks!


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