Flowing Strands



Dropping below Montezuma well
Ancient irrigation channel empties
Untapped into Beaver Creek
Unexpected respite for hikers




Mighty Arizona Sycamores grow
Neath rock cavern overhang
Fighting odds to survive
Curved stretching for sunshine  



Woman holds and caresses
Strands long white fringe
Flowing in the water
Interjecting quiet healing energy

Listening to hiker’s conversations
I watch her ceremony
Filled with careful reflection
Mesmerized by the strands

Sanctuary of mixed treasures
Caves, rock formations, greenery
Living water, curved trees
Mixture of passing spirits


Tenacity in pliable filaments
Sway with creek’s flow
Our warm spirits refreshed
Our reflective spirits enriched





Photos: Beaver Creek, Montezuma Well, near Sedona, Arizona

© rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011


About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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23 Responses to Flowing Strands

  1. You are an amazing woman, my sister DragonFly…. I love you very much. Patricia


  2. Mrsupole says:

    Nature is full of treasures and beauty beyond compare. But all one truly has to do is open one’s eyes and there are treasures everywhere. Words convey a treasure in ones mind and with pictures to go along with them make for an amazing journey.

    Thank you for sharing your pictures and poem with us. What a great addition to this weeks Treasure Theme Thursday. Thank you so much for playing.

    God bless.


    • becca givens says:

      Mrsupole – this was an amazing journey of treasure discovery – not only in nature but within myself. I appreciate your thoughtful feedback, and support. Thank you for visiting. 🙂


  3. Morning says:

    Thoughtful story,
    amazing take on the theme.



  4. A wonderful post Becca, the photos are amazing, the poem is so beautiful…


  5. Pat Cegan says:

    Almost as good as being with you on that amazing journey. Thanks for sharing these, BB. Hugs, pat


  6. Renee says:

    So nice to go with you on your journey. Beautiful words and photos. I have nomintated you for the Versatile Blogger Award that you so deserve. http://reneejustturtleflight.wordpress.com Enjoy!


  7. davidtenn says:

    Siggi says it all, well done. Love David


  8. souldipper says:

    Can I meet you here tomorrow morning, Becca? I’d love to have you show me around. The words and the photos entice emphatically. 😀


  9. Enjoyed this Becca, very nice way to post.


  10. The verse, the pictures — picture perfect!


  11. Excellent post today. I ready enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing and see you around!

    Here is a great poem to check out:

    The Voice Inside Me


  12. siggiofmaine says:

    This post would stand by itself without the photos…or the photos tell a story by themselves…
    am impressed how you wove them together.
    Thank you so much for sharing both the writing and the photos.
    ☮ Siggi in Downeast Maine


"Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me!"