Nurturing Thurs – Christmas

Since my mom passed – this has been a difficult segment of time for me.  Although, I have not had a chance to visit my faithful Nurturing Thursday contributors — please know I appreciate each of you.  Readers: nurture yourself by taking time to visit their blogs and spread some love!


Nurture your spirit today

Let LOVE be the spirit of this season
for YOU and your loved ones ~~
Merry Christmas!!


Frequent Contributors to
Nurturing Thursday:

Tea and Paper
Meg Evans
Crowing Crone Joss
Carol Carlisle
Priceless Joy
Grace Notes
Jacqueline King
Inside the Mind of Isadora
Way of Life!
They, You and Me
Pocket Perspectives
Laurie’s Gentle Healing Notes

 Welcome to our new contributors
Priceless Joy


What is Nurturing Thursday, you ask?

In this amazingly competitive society of ours, how many of us truly feel good about ourselves? How often do we extend to ourselves … the same courtesies, considerations, nurturing, forgiveness and understanding we would a loved one, a friend, or even a stranger?

Our culture tells us we need to be special and above average to feel good about ourselves. Yet, it is not possible for all of us to be above average at the same time. Don’t we usually know of someone richer, more attractive, “more together” or successful than we are? Even if we discount the material aspects and consider the more spiritual facet, don’t we know of those who seem more at peace, more aware or living in the moment. Even when we do manage to feel a strong sense of self-esteem or self-confidence, we are not able to consistently hold on to it. For most, our sense of self-worth bounces around like a ping-pong ball, rising and falling strongly tied with our latest success or failure.

In an effort to eliminate labeling ourselves as “good” or “bad”, and clearly accept ourselves with an open heart … to treat ourselves with the same kindness, caring, and compassion we would show to a good friend … I would like to incorporate more self-compassion and self-kindness in my life.

To “give this planet a much needed shot of fun, support and positive energy” … I am dubbing Thursdays as Nurturing Thursday … a spin-off of the suspended Occupy Blogosphere started by Amy of SoulDipper.

If any of my readers are interested in joining the nurturing, I applaud and welcome you to do so … the more the merrier!!



Previous:  Nurturing Thursday

Previous:  Blogospheres


© rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011 – 2013

About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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18 Responses to Nurturing Thurs – Christmas

  1. Reblogged this on Women Who Think Too Much by Jeanne Marie and commented:
    An awesome blog…


  2. Renee Espriu says:

    I so understand how difficult it must be but as a friend once said to me. “It may not seem to get better but it will always be different and changing.” She was speaking of the grief one goes through. For me that helped to look at it in a different way. I miss her still nearly 7yrs later. I do hope I have not offended and I wish for you the comfort of those who love you. Sending you Angels. Take care.


    • becca givens says:

      Oh, Renee, you could never offend. I appreciate your thoughts, prayers and kind words during this journey. I appreciate YOU! Thank you!


      • Renee Espriu says:

        I am so glad you do understand as I would never intentionally do so but it is difficult to know what to say at times like these. I wish for you all the best in the New Year and hope your journey will be filled with only hope for tomorrow and changes that fulfill. You are in my thoughts and heart always. Take care.


        • becca givens says:

          Renee, Happy New Year to you and your family. I am hoping a routine emerges soon. Feels funny to think I am not scheduled to go “home” anytime soon and I am in TX full-time! Holidays have been strange. Looking forward to uplifting new year! ❤


  3. I saw this link for n Laurie’s blog and I love the idea of nurturing! My Pa passed 3 yrs ago and it’s during the holidays I struggle most because his last Cmas was one of great healing in our relationship! Holidays are bittersweet now! Blessings to you!


  4. lynn__ says:

    Beautiful photo and thoughts…may warm memories of your mother nurture you today.


  5. Elizabeth says:

    Dear Becca, so sorry to hear about your mother. Lovely message for today. Love is what matters. Here is my link:


  6. Pingback: Nurturing Thursday: Infused with love – tea & paper

  7. Meg Evans says:

    Merry Christmas Becca — such lovely poinsettias! Wishing you the best, and hoping those difficulties get resolved soon. Here’s my link:

    Presents (Nurturing Thursday)


  8. Pingback: Nurturing Thursday – The Silence of My Purest Self | Laurie's Gentle Healing Notes

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