Sunday Trees – 239

Sunday Trees - 239 - Sedona


Previous:    Sunday Trees


© by rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011 – 2016

About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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30 Responses to Sunday Trees – 239

  1. anglogermantranslations says:

    Sorry I’m just a wee bit late, but (rain) clouds got in my way.


  2. Pingback: Sunday Trees #239 – Spilling the Beans | Übersetzen und Literatur, doch nicht nur

  3. lifelessons says:

    Oops.. Don’t know how that happened. Here is my actual post for Sunday Trees, I hope. Everything has been going wrong, including the impossible. I somehow posted an old submission. Have no idea how that happened. Let me try again:

    Liked by 1 person

  4. lifelessons says:

    Hi Becca. Love how first the tree and then your shot caught the light. Lovely. Here is my week’s contribution:


  5. Pingback: lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown

  6. Pingback: Sunday Trees – 241 | Cee's Photography

  7. shoreacres says:

    Layers, light, and mixed colors — what a beautiful photo. It looks like the very essence of summer!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Desert Trees: Sunday Trees 239 | lifelessons – a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown

  9. Pingback: Sunday Tree: 1 - PHOTOPHILE

  10. Pingback: Sunday Trees | nowathome

  11. Rupali says:

    I love the light on the leaves.


  12. Cee Neuner says:

    Beautiful leaves Becca 😀
    Here is my link for the week!

    Sunday Trees – 239 – Maple Tree


  13. Pingback: Sunday Trees – 239 – Maple Tree | Cee's Photography

  14. Pingback: Sunday Tree 25 | mazeepuran (माझे e-पुराण)

  15. Pingback: Sunday Trees – 239 | Mama Cormier

  16. Pingback: Sunday Trees #239 June 12, 2016 | charlesewaugh

  17. Mary Job says:

    I love this…bright and alive

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Pingback: Sunday Trees 239 – Dwarf and Giant | Übersetzen und Literatur, doch nicht nur

  19. Prior-2001 says:

    Oh the light you captured really has a nice mood! 🍃🍃💕

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Have a lovely Sunday, Becca 🙂

    Trees in Wales


  21. Pingback: Trees in Wales – ladyleemanila

  22. kim881 says:

    I look forward to Sunday trees!

    Liked by 1 person

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