Another Fresh Start

Deep in the woods
of my mind’s sphere,
lies the comfort of my interior home and my power creatures, as well as the curses of the darkness of invalidation.

When the fog of distortion overshadows and outshines my inner beacon; when my senses leave me with feelings of disorientation and loss, I muster a deep breath and contemplate.

While it seems nanoseconds to some, and eons to others, in due course I realize just what I need to catapult me out of the doldrums!  I sit quietly under my favorite tree visualizing, humming or whistling a childhood tune until the auras of my fairy and pixie friends, as well as my totem companions, begin to appear.  Wrapped in a gossamer of glistening pixie dust, they materialize eager to sooth – always keen to assist my journey in reconnecting with my inner self; to the lost child.

“Follow the light”, “keep your eye on the passage” – “you are wonderful”, “you are special”, “there is only one you and the world needs you”. “Follow the light out of the darkness – soon the light will disperse as you resurface to sunshine of balance”.

With appreciation for the camaraderie, I venture from the mental darkness.  I shake off the cobwebs of fog, bid adieu to my spirit friends, geared to hail another fresh start.


© rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011 – 2012


Free Write Friday Image Prompt:
Tell a Story!

About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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10 Responses to Another Fresh Start

  1. phylor says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your story — it is wonderfully written full of wonderful images. I feel like I am there.
    One of my guided imageries involves, in my mind, sitting on a stone fence in a wild flower meadow, and leaning against a tall oak, maple or elm. The sunlight is dappled, and in the quiet peace, the tree takes my negative thoughts, my pain, my illness and sends it down into its roots and deep into the earth. The branches overhead catch the sunlight and fill me with positive thoughts, healing, and new and more helpful and healthful thoughts.
    It’s time I sat under the tree again.


    • becca givens says:

      Trees are full of wisdom and strength … make your way out to your tree tomorrow!! Enjoy!!! 😀 Thank you for stopping for a visit and leaving a generous comment. You are too kind!


  2. Mickie Brown says:

    What a lovely story you told. Very nice. Mickie 🙂


  3. resting against the tree allows its strength and wisdom to filter into your body and heart.


  4. granbee says:

    Praise God that He affords us “fresh starts” every day! Such energy you give us here!


  5. JulesPaige says:

    OOOOh … If all of our re-entries back into reality could be so smooth.
    Very nice!


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