Ruby Tuesday – 22

Ruby Tuesday - 22

 in Martha’s Vineyard
“Campmeeting Association”

In the event, you missed the explanation of Martha’s Vineyard Campmeeting Association explanation from last week’s Ruby Tuesday.   Here it is again.

The first camp-meeting in what became known as Wesleyan Grove was held in 1835. In later years the congregations grew tremendously, and many of the thousands in attendance were housed in large tents known as “society tents.” Over time, families began leasing small lots on which to pitch their own individual tents. In the 1860s and 1870s, the family tents were rapidly replaced with permanent wooden cottages. At one time there were about 500 cottages; today there are just over 300. Over time the MVCMA has become increasingly interdenominational. Many of the cottages have been owned by the same families for generations.



For previous episodes of  Ruby Tuesdays

© by rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011 – 2013

Ruby Tuesday 2

About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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6 Responses to Ruby Tuesday – 22

  1. shoreacres says:

    I had to just chuckle at the phrase “A Protestant Religious Corporation”. Sometimes it seems like the church is turning into just another corporation – so even though I understand why they’ve designated themselves that way, it still tickles me.


  2. THe flag really accentuates the look of the entrance!
    Catching up with Ruby Tuesday.

    Please come and see my RUBY when you get a chance.


  3. magicalmysticalteacher says:

    There’s a peacefulness about the place…

    Dos Niños Rubies


  4. Love the beautiful design of this place! Enchanting! Especially love the balustrade and pillar designs!


  5. siggiofmaine says:

    Gorgeous photo…thanks for sharing and the description.


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