Elusive I am …



Elusive I am …
Large expanse I fly …
Precious nest I hide


© by rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011


The Eyelet Review is a society of poets sharing their works of any form.
Week Two (2) of THE EYELET REVIEW visual prompt
Generously hosted by Honey Haiku

Included in featured posts on Thursday Rally – Poetry Collection Week 41

About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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36 Responses to Elusive I am …

  1. vivinfrance says:

    senryu is such a fabulous form for saying a lot in few words. Yours is no exception.


  2. April Denton says:

    So much said in so few words, very nice!


  3. Vinay says:

    a hidden nest is very much needed a lot of times, Becca! a haiku expressive of more than just the three lines! beautiful!

    Rally Week 41 – My Poetry


  4. We all need one precious nest to hide from time to time. I’m glad you have yours, lovely words!


  5. dani says:

    beautiful description and i like that you wrote it as if being told by the bird, Becca. lovely haiku!!! ♥


  6. NcMerci says:

    Since this deals with nature…I would say that “Elusiveness” is a trade in surviving.
    Loved the haiku…


  7. seabell says:

    It’s so nice when we start to discover multiple rich meanings in just three lines of words…


  8. And I would like to add, I am thankful to stumble upon someone like you… 🙂


  9. precious nest it must be.. here is my rally poem… a dream she is… a kiss seals…

    Someone is Special


  10. Ewan Walker says:

    Short, sweet yet it conveys so much. Just shows its quality not quantity…


  11. Emily Jane says:

    i like this, it’s interesting how much you can capture in so little words. Like the picture too!


  12. magher1 says:

    Cute haiku! Nature is something we should cherish 🙂


    • Becca Givens says:

      Thank you for stopping by for a visit. Nature is an ongoing balm for the senses. Mother Earth calls for us to connect with nature daily for a sense of grounding and renewal. Many lessons we could learn from nature.


  13. Jingle says:

    you make it live and fun,

    superb word crafting…
    Happy Rally.


  14. espriurenee says:

    Beautifully done! Birds always an honor to have in our midst.


  15. Pat Cegan says:

    Wonderful, Becca. You work so well with prompts. They often elude me. This photo with your poem are perfect together! hugs, pat


  16. John says:

    Just love your photos and poetry together, beautiful ~ becca!!


  17. Olivia says:

    Beautiful and enchanting!!!
    Very well composed- hugs xox


  18. honeyhaiku says:

    I love this; something about it invokes the element of surprise. Thank you for participating again!


  19. trisha says:

    cute and lovely becca. an amazing snapshot of this fantastic bird- they really fly some distance!!!


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