Mellow Yellow Monday – 23

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My Mom’s Cucumber Plants

Nothing like summer grown cucumbers!!!

For previous Mellow Yellow Mondays


© by rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011 – 2012

Mellow Yellow Monday #179

I stumbled upon Mellow Yellow Monday, whose specialty is all things yellow. Intrigued, as yellow is my favorite color, I decided to interject some “sunshine” for the winter months.  With approaching spring, I still enjoy the weekly boost of yellow — so I will continue with Monday Sunshine.

Why not join in the sunshine fun?

About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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20 Responses to Mellow Yellow Monday – 23

  1. dani says:

    every spring i say i’m going to put in a container garden on the balcony ~ five springs and not one plant! ;-p


  2. That would be in my list of plants for next year. Lovely shots. Visiting a little late for mellow yellow.

    Come and take a peek at my yummy yellow, you can grab a bite if you want to but your comment would really make my day!


  3. Pingback: Mellow Yellow Monday #179… 1968 Dodge Charger « siggiofmaine

  4. Luna Miranda says:

    i have no idea cucumbers have yellow flowers. they’re lovely.


  5. Leah H. says:

    I love cucumbers. Yum and crunchy:)

    Visiting for MYM- hope you can stop by..


  6. Jamie Dedes says:

    Oh, wonderful. And to think I’m so proud of my little pot of herbs. Happy summer gardening to your mom, Becca.


  7. granbee says:

    I have loved these yellow cucumber blooms my entire life! As a small child, I wanted to pick them and put them by my own mother’s bedside, but was told we could not have cucumbers and bread-and-butter pickles (which I crave to this day!) if I did that! Thanks for the great memories this post triggered, dear sister Becca!


    • becca givens says:

      My mom doesn’t usually plant veggies, but for some reason she asked my brother to find her some cucumber seeds. He wisely concluded it would be faster to find her plants – she wouldn’t have to wait as long to get results. She is looking forward to her first crop. Based on the abundance of flowers from these two plants when I was home 10 days ago — she should have a bumper crop to enjoy! Wish I would be home to enjoy them as well!! When I was young, and my dad was still practicing … often his patients paid him with currency of homegrown vegetables, fruits, and seafood. What a delight and appreciation ~~


  8. What a great idea. Mellow Yellow Mondays. I believe I will join you even though my favorite is


  9. siggiofmaine says:

    The slide show is wonderful…great photos.
    Siggi in Downeast Maine


  10. Misky says:

    Our cucumber plants have stalled – our summer is just so cool and wet, and just not growing weather. I might have to buy cucumber this year!


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