
Force winds
Storms blow violently
Terrorizing hearts and spirits

Hurricane Isaac is poised for Gulf landfall on Hurricane Katrina’s anniversary
Although nothing to compare to Katrina
… anxieties of the Gulf Coast have peaked in anticipation.

Hurricane Katrina – seventh (7th) anniversary

Official Hurricane Season in the Atlantic Coast
ranges between
June 1st – November 30th
with the peak between August and October

Where I am from
where my family lives


© rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011 – 2012

About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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11 Responses to Hurricanes

  1. Renee Espriu says:

    Have been keeping up with the news on this as I usually do with the worse storms and hope everyone will be alright. Don’t think I could do it, but then again, I grew up with earthquakes so there is always something to adjust to.


  2. granbee says:

    Oh, dear Becca, many, many prayers for your family there in Houma! I fear that is in the parish experiencing so much flooding, with over-topped levies!


  3. Hoping that all is well…the forces of nature and the potential impact are so astounding…wishing for safety and protection for all….


  4. We have survived Hurricane Isaac real well. Our area had lots of rain and lots of wind but no damage. After going through Hurricane Charlie and had lots of family losses it’s hard to see one and not remember without fear in our hearts. Looking forward to fall when they begin to go away.
    Very expressive Haiku of what everyone goes through, becca. Hope everyone gets a break from Isaac.


  5. Green Speck says:

    Terrifying indeed !!!


  6. leahJlynn says:

    praying for them…


  7. Bodhirose says:

    Yep, he just went by..still had a few squally showers today and tonight. Isaac covered a lot of territory but didn’t pack much of a punch…for me anyway…too far away from Central Florida.


  8. siggiofmaine says:

    Keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers. It is an eery coincidence about the date….
    am happy it is not a fierce as Katrina, but any storm is worth ones caution and prayers.
    Peace, love and prayers,
    Siggi in Downeast Maine


    • becca givens says:

      Yes, fortunately, it is not Katrina — yet it is moving painfully slow – so there is time to increase more. Part of it has made one landfall — but that was out near the islands — there is more to go. It will be a long night – 24 hours at home. The timing of the high tides coming is also a big concern. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts.


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