Pixie Dust

pixie dust
covering me
I reach out to grasp
iridescent glittering and light
erupt within my soul
my laughter escapes
fairies clap


Written in Pi-Ku form.  I used the longer version for the new bi-weekly challenge on Carpe Diem … Little Ones.

“So, what is Piku?, it’s a poem of sorts, like a haiku. But instead of the 5-7-5 format of haiku, Piku uses pi as its base. The number of syllables in each line of the poem corresponds to the numbers in pi. In other words, as pi is 3.141592653 …, the first line of the Piku contains three syllables, the second line contains one syllable, the third line contains four syllables … “   If using this formula for Pi-Ku, the total number of syllables is 39.

Other sources – use only the first 3 lines … 3 syllables for the first line, 1 syllable for the second line and 4 syllables for the third.

© rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011 – 2013

LOGO - CARPE DIEM - Little Ones

Little Ones #1

About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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6 Responses to Pixie Dust

  1. A wonderful LONGER Pi-Ku Becca … I find this Pi-ku really a challenge and I am trying to write a pi-ku with 25 lines following the numbers of Pi.


  2. phylor says:

    I’ve always been partial to pixie dust, and fairies are one of my favo(u)rite images/themes. I really enjoyed your pi based Pi-Ku — the image was, for me, whimsical and magical.


  3. julespaige says:

    Sometimes when the light is just right I can see the fish in the water run off colvert and in the creek…I can see the fish from the tiny minows to the larger bass/ trout and I imaging some of the shadows to be water nymph riders…


  4. Maggie Grace says:

    Very nice and ambitious…more pi 🙂


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