Time Capsule!!

Amazing to me … “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea” celebrates 1 year in its history.

When I first started, I did not know anything (zip, zilch, nada …) about blogging … I took a leap of faith thinking I would figure it out sooner or later … mostly by trial and error.  I could not fathom how someone/anyone would find “me”.  And I must admit, at times, I still do not understand how many find “On Dragonfly Wings”.  Nonetheless, I am happy to share my niche with others who cross its threshold.  One of my goals is whomever visits “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”  leaves with an uplifted heart and spirit.

I want to thank all those who visited at one time or another during this freshman year of blogging.  My appreciation goes out across the cyperwaves for those who commented and/or pressed the LIKE button, and for those who provided encouragement and support.  I am honored by the hundreds who have subscribed to receiving notice each time I post something new.  Numerous times, these many advocates have provided the “fuel” for me to continue another day …  one step, one message, one sharing at a time.  Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!  Interesting summaries  (at least I think they are) 😉

525 Posts with 6842 Comments

30,500 hits

Since initiating the Flag Counter Widget (6 weeks after the launch)

115 different countries have visited

Newest country registered by a visitor from Cambodia

Most popular search terms: 

faith, candles, vivid colors, dragonfly, delicate flower

Numerous awards of recognition and honor received, a featured blog and two interviews …  Oh my!!

Top posts of the 1st Year:

Dream Traveler

Invincible Bond




© by rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011 – 2012

About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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14 Responses to Time Capsule!!

  1. Eclipse says:

    Oh my….I’m a little behind with everything….Happy anniversary Becca! And congrats on all the well deserved rewards through your first year. Now, into another harvesting one… 🙂


  2. BBB Becca’s Blogging Birthday!
    A very happy one dearest Becca and many more to come.
    Much love.


  3. reflex4feet says:

    Dear (((((Becca)))))
    LOVE and LIGHT


  4. souldipper says:

    Happy First, Becca. Congrats on your accomplishments. Keep right on enjoying all you share!


  5. Raven says:

    Happy Blogiversary … lest you ever wonder again how “they” find you, your light shines across the Blogosphere.


  6. happy blogging anniversary, you rock.

    Hope all is well,
    Appreciated your support along the way,
    Welcome sharing a random piece with us today,

    You rock.
    Keep it up.


  7. granbee says:

    I loved the sunrise one very, very much. Congrats on the year one mark. I know I will be so excited when I get to that point with my blog!


  8. Raivenne says:

    Congratulations! Yay!


  9. rumpydog says:

    Happy blogiversary!!!!! woo woo woo!


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