33,969 Sunrises

Today, my siblings and I are witnessing a wonderful miracle of celebrating
my mom’s 93rd Birthday!!

Tot in High SchoolHigh School

TOT - 92 in SD - 2012Fall 2012

We are blessed to still have her with us. Although, the last few months have taken a toll, she remains in good spirits and young at heart.

Happy Birthday, Momma!!

33,969 sunrises

Life paths taken
Memories made, moments remembered

Laughter mixed with tears
Sorrow with joy
Fear with courage
Despair with hope
Lessons learned whether on first try or ninety-third
Commitments fulfilled
Achievements far outweigh disappointments

Sacred Journey continues
Harmonizing the preciousness of life

Waning body
Clarifies the importance of
Love, tenderness and its ripple effect

Wisdom and understanding sought in Everlasting
Spirits determined to fly higher
Always remaining young at heart
Believing Divine Love is ever present

Thankful for
Each moment of this gifted time
Celebrating this 33,969th day


© rgb for “On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea”, 2011 – 2013

About becca givens

Becca is an artist, poet, and animal communicator. She delights in cooking, nurturing, and sharing a rich spiritual life with others on the Path.
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13 Responses to 33,969 Sunrises

  1. Pingback: MIA | "On Dragonfly Wings with Buttercup Tea"

  2. Renee Espriu says:

    So happy that you are celebrating this with your mom. Amazing! I think she appears to be quite the lady, who will give it her best shot and fight strong. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady.


  3. Memories made, moments remembered – sounds like you have a treasure chest filled with those.


  4. Laurie Kolp says:

    Happy Birthday to your mom!


  5. Becca – you are a “True Blue,” you are an “ace,” I really have significant admiration for your beautiful spirit.


  6. The first 3 lines say it all, Becca. Memories are our precious.
    The poem is very beautiful, touching and emotive.
    It’s truly a gift to be able to spend another birthday with your mother.
    May she bring you all the joy and happiness your heart can hold.
    May she have the GREATEST LOVING BIRTHDAY of all.
    Namaste ,,,,


    • becca givens says:

      She had a lovely day, Izzy … we got in early evening, and my niece and nephew coordinated a delicious grilled dinner (accomplished even in a thunderstorm) … her day was filled with several flower deliveries, oodles of phone calls and then a FULL house for dinner. Today she is exhausted. It will take her a couple of days to recuperate. Happy Saturday to you xoxox


  7. What a beautiful tribute to an amazing woman, Becca ~ so glad you get to spend another birthday with her. Thank you for sharing the love with us, too. Happy Birthday Becca’s Momma! ❤


    • becca givens says:

      It turned out to be a wonderful day for her — the house is filled with fragrant flowers and delicious smelling surprises. My niece and her husband coordinated dinner and birthday dessert!! She is quite “tuckered out” today but thoroughly enjoyed her special day.


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